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I would like to extend my sincere appreciation and gratitude to our Region 6 NYSMICJ Committee for their continued dedication, support and commitment to providing a top-quality symposium for all professionals in the Criminal Justice field. I encourage you to join us for an informative and inspiring symposium.
NYSMICJ is encouraging criminal justice professionals to become a member for $35.00. With an active membership with York State Minorities in Criminal Justice your membership will be effective until January 2020. This year only, there will be one price for all attendees. As a member, you will be included in all annual membership meetings, annual membership activities and a discounted registration fee to all CAYSA and NYSMICJ trainings and symposiums.
As a not-for-profit agency, our goal is to share with criminal justice professionals that NYSMICJ is about who you are as an individual that bring many different attributes with different strengths and abilities through public awareness, outreach and donations.
I appreciate your interest in our symposium and hope that you share the same passion as NYSMICJ to take the step to join us as a new member. I look forward in your decision to attend our 2018 NYSMICJ 3-day symposium. If I can be of any further assistance, please feel free to reach out to me.
-Marcus Babb
The Department’s Commissioner’s Diversity Management Advisory Council, (CDMAC) was formally established in January 2017, for the expressed purpose of providing guidance to the Commissioner and Executive Staff regarding issues of equity, fairness, diversity and inclusion as it relates to how we treat and interact with staff, inmates, parolees and visitors.
Specifically, the CDMAC’s objectives are as follows:
To help execute the CDMAC goals and objectives, the CDMAC is made up of a Steering Committee which includes the Commissioner’s Executive Team/direct reports. Additionally, the CDMAC is comprised of six (6) Sub-Committees as follows:
As our workforce ages, knowledge transfer is more critical to the future success of the Department. We can no longer rely on informal Mentoring alone, as it is not always inclusive. We want to ensure every eligible staff person has an opportunity to be a Mentor or a Mentee. The Mentoring Sub-Committee has done an outstanding job to ready us for a world-class Mentoring program.
In the coming weeks and months, you will be hearing more about the Department’s Mentoring Program and the CDMAC.
Mentors and Mentee applications were made available to Facilities and Area Offices in the Wende Hub. The pairing of Mentors and Mentees will begin the week of October 8th. Our goal is to fully implement the Mentoring Program Statewide in the 1st Quarter of 2019. A Mentoring Program Directive has been drafted.
To view the 2018 3-Day Training Symposium program click the link below.
Learn the importance of establishing wills, trusts, and estate plans in order to protect and prepare your family and assets.
Provides strategies to individuals to help protect themselves and reduce the dangers faced during an active shooter event.
Explores the meaning, structure, actions and outcomes of common verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities.
Learn the Gang Violence Task Force’s responsibility for the collaboration with other agencies to aggressively target violent gangs and their members.
Scott Kelly – Case study of coordinated inmate fights occurring in 3 yards simultaneously at Attica Correctional Facility in 2017.
New York State Police, Computer Crime Unit – Provides outreach, education on internet safety and forensic examination of digital evidence.
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