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Mr. Marion Borum, followed a long string of minority Deputy Commissioner's for Program Services in DOCS. Prior to becoming a Deputy Commissioner he had been the Superintendent of Lincoln Correctional Facility, an Associate Counselor under the Office of Drug Abuse, and held graduate degrees in Counseling Therapy. Among his many accomplishments was the founding of our organization!
Dr. Cecil Canton, under President Canton the organization held its first conference "The Dilemma- Positive Change & Negative Growth". Dr. Canton, perhaps, more than any other President forged a vision for the organization working over the next several years to establish the necessary infrastructure for our organization. As an Assistant Commissioner of Programs with DOCS he worked very closely with Deputy Commissioner Borum, our first President, to bring appropriate programming to offenders.
Mr. Bert Ross, as President, Mr. Ross a Correctional Superintendent, presided, over our conference entitled "Charting the Course" in Buffalo, NY, on November 13, 1989, in which we addressed the growing problem of drug abuse. A keynote speaker was the honorable Lieut. Governor Stan. Lundine, who was been charged by, then Governor Mario Cuomo, with improving the State's strategy toward drug abuse and addiction. The membership in the organization increased considerably due to this conference.
Mr. Joseph Williams, as President, Mr. Williams a Correctional Superintendent, presided over a conference in Albany, NY entitled "Affirmative Action within the Criminal Justice System in the 90's-Keeping the Pressure On" in which he sought to stem the tide of anti-affirmative action forces that were beginning to surface. This conference was dedicated to our honoree, Dr. Allen Bush, DOCS' first Director of Manpower and Minority Recruitment.
Mr. Frank McCray, as President, Mr. McCray a Correctional Deputy Superintendent who subsequently retired as a Correctional Superintendent, presided over a conference in Poughkeepsie, NY. This conference was entitled "Save our People-The Time is Now" in which he extolled participants that "We can no longer afford procrastination, apathy or "I don't give a damn," attitudes because my Brothers and Sisters, "The Time is Now". President McCray, also, presided over the next conference in Buffalo, NY entitled "Back to Basics -Saving Ourselves" which was a continuation of the previous conference theme based on a realization that minorities had to be more active in crafting our destiny and solving our plight. Our honoree was Arthur Eve, Deputy Speaker for the New York State Assembly, who had been a strong supporter of minorities in correction and in the public arena in general.
Dr. Cecil Canton, in this second term, again took the organization to new heights by organizing a brainstorming Executive Board Retreat on March 25, 1994, out of which arose an expansion of our organization to those outside of Corrections, the establishment of the newsletter, "The Key", and the appointing of the first and only Executive Director, Dr. Alice Green.
Ms. Alpina Taylor, became our first president to preside under the more inclusive title "New York State Minorities in Criminal Justice", the first president elected from another Criminal Justice agency, the Division of Parole, and the first president that came from the mid-management and line-level ranks. She, also, presided over our conference in Buffalo, NY entitled "Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System- Myths and Facts". During this conference, NYSMICJ had the honor of hosting the Director of the Division for Youth (now know as Children and Family Services), John A. Johnson (retired) and the highest law enforcement officer in New York State, the former Attorney General, Dennis Vacco.
Mr. Ekpe "Dan" Ekpe, as our president represented the organization's continued embracement of diversity; he hailed from the country of Nigeria! He presided over our conference in Albany, NY entitled "Prepare, Preserve, Protect, Our Commitment toward the Year 2000" in which we had the honor of hearing from the former New York State Commissioner of the Division of Criminal Justice Services, Mr. Paul Shechtman. Mr. Ekpe, also, began the "Commissioner's Forum," a forum that has become a model for other organizations to emulate because it was inclusive of all New York State Criminal Justice agency heads. They are obliged to give a status report on their efforts to hire, retain, and promote minorities within their respective agencies. Mr. Ekpe is now a retired Correctional Superintendent.
Mr. Arthur Taggart, hailed from the highest ranks of the New York State Police and represented, at the time, its highest ranked minority in the agency, serving on its Executive Board and as a Confidential Assistant to the Superintendent of the State Police. He presided over an Awards Banquet in Albany, NY in which his message was to thank those recipients for "Making A Difference", like the Superintendent of the State Police, James McMahon and the Governor's Director of Legislative Affairs, James Harding, Jr. among others, for their "Outstanding Services" to their agencies, community, and their families.
Ms. Loyce Duke, a now Former Superintendent, NYSDOCCS, rose to the presidency of the organization after many years of involvement with NYSMIC and as a forerunner in the establishment of NYSMICJ, in various capacities; on the Board of Directors as a advisor to the President, Program Chair, and Vice President of Region III. These times were quite turbulent with Y2K & September 11th, forcing the organization to retreat from our usual activity. Nevertheless, Ms. Duke managed to keep the organization moving forward in spite of the many forces that were attempting to stop us from being advocates for affirmative action’s within the various Criminal Justice agencies. Because of her dedication and belief in mission of the organization, stayed on for a second term! Due to her mostly single-handed efforts we were able to resume many of the organization's important activity that had won us much acclaim in our recent past as well as bring us technologically into the twenty-first century through the establishment of a website. She also presided over our conference in Fishkill, NY entitled "The Beat Goes On" which focused, perhaps more than any other, on the personal and career needs of our membership by offering workshops on the Civil Service System, Domestic Violence, and Diversity in the Workplace. We were honored to have Dr. L. Oliver Robinson, a Superintendent of Schools, give the keynote address.
Ms. Sandra Green, with the knowledge she received while pursing and achieving a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice combined with her commitment to social justice was an outstanding administrator and keeper of the NYSMICJ torch. Once again the organization recognized the many talents of line-level personnel within Criminal Justice agencies by electing Sandra Green, a Correction Officer, as its president. She presided over our conference in Albany, NY in 2005 where the keynote speaker was again our main "man" Dr. L. Oliver Robinson who gave a speech that set the tone for the entire conference. Not to be out done, we were also, presented with both a "down to earth and witty" speech by the Albany County District Attorney, the Honorable David Soares. President Green extolled the membership that to "make a difference in an institution that it is incumbent upon each of us to be a factor in the in the equation to alleviate stereotypes." President Green, also, presided over our conference in 2006 entitled "Moving Beyond the Labels: reaching out and bridging the gap" in Poughkeepsie, NY. During this conference she stressed that, "It is the desire of the New York State Minorities in Criminal Justice, through this Symposium to move beyond the labels, to reach out and bridge the gap that exist between males and females, Blacks and Whites, in the Criminal Justice Field for we all share the same goal of protecting society from the criminal element."
Rev. Les Carter, presided over our conference in 2007 entitled "Mapping the Future: Are we Ready?" He also presided over our conference in 2008 in Schenectady, NY entitled "A Time for Reflection: The Future is You," encouraging us, "to reflect on the role that you will play creating safer communities and promoting social justice at all levels of our system of Criminal Justice." President Carter during his tenure reflected and accomplished an agenda that was similar to that of our former President Dr. Cecil Canton, in which he;
Mr. Anthony Wiley, continued to build on the legacy of NYSMICJ by moving the organization upward and forward. He recognized the need for the organization to be synced with the informational age and the global village. He rightly and often said, "It's not about me, it's about us." Building on the unprecedented growth of Region I, he brought many of the positive attributes which, he had established in Region I, to strengthen the Statewide organization in a manner that the "whole is greater than the sum of its parts!” During his time as Presidnet, he:
Ms. Loyce Duke, stepped up to the plate to serve as interim President due to the unexpected resignation of President Wiley due to personal reasons. It was at a critical junction, when the organization was only several weeks away from its Annual Symposium. However, Board Members and, especially Ms. Duke, rose to the occasion and put on a successful symposium entitled “Looking at our Past: Building for the Future.” Ms. Duke presided over our traditional NYS Criminal Justice Commissioner’s Forum and began a new tradition of focusing on a contemporary issues in criminal justice through the Plenary Sessions. Our first Plenary Session was entitled “Re-Entry in New York” was held during this year’s conference.
Ms. Emily Williams, served three terms as President and has been very engaged with the organization since her installation as President in 2013, which marked the integration of the broader Nationwide Civil Rights Struggles, with that of the organization's mission. During her presidency, the symposium themes were 2013 - "Criminal Justice in Our Communities: 50 years after the dream;" 2014 - "Pathways to Empowerment;" 2015 - "The Strengths of Diversity;" and 2016 - "Criminal Justice: Looking forward and emphasizing the positive."
Douglas A.L. Wilburn, now retired, was with DOCCS for more then eleven years. He started as a Correction Counselor at Greene C.F. In September 2014, he was promoted to Supervising Offender Rehabilitation Coordinator at Sullivan Correctional facility.
In 2013, Douglas was elected to be a member of the NYSMICJ Statewide Board as a Member at Large. In 2016, the members of MICJ region 3 chose him to be the Acting Vice President of Region 3. During that time, he was able to organize two successful Women's Celebration Symposiums. One on March 4, 2016 and the other March 3, 2017.
Dawn Butler is currently the Deputy Superintendent of Administration at Queensboro Correctional Facility with the NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS). Formerly a Correctional Facility Operational Specialist in the Sexual Abuse Prevention and Education Office in Albany, she has more than 22 years with DOCCS. She started as a Corrections Officer and then advancing to a Sergeant before becoming a CFOS. She has served as a member of the Statewide Board for more than five years, most recently as Financial Secretary. She has proven her commitment to the organization, continues to work tirelessly upholding the mission and has a vision of greater successes.
NYSMIC – New York State Minorities in Corrections, Inc. (1986-1994)
NYSMICJ – New York State Minorities in Criminal Justice, Inc. (1994-Present)
DOCS – New York State Department of Corrections (pre-merger)
DOCCS – New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (post merger)
The Beginning - 1986: 1st President –Marion Borum with DSS Jerry Wells, CO Emmauel Richards, Lieut. Ed Kirkland and Supt. Joe Williams
Copyright © 2023 New York State Minorities in Criminal Justice, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.